Local Job Alerts

Finest jobs all around the Nation! May it be from the field of Medicine, Engineering or Management; jobs will be updated on a regular basis. The users can subscribe to the city of their choice for job alerts. You will regularly receive SMS(s) containing the newest available jobs advertised in Pakistan

International Job Alerts

The best available jobs ranging from Middle East, North America and Europe are posted regularly for the candidates, who are interested in working abroad. Keen users can look through; from region to region for the required jobs. We offer an SMS alert service notifying you about the up-to-the-minute career opportunities as they arise in the locations and disciplines of your choice.

Career Tips

Your career is your own and it belongs to no one else. You have inside you, the supremacy to create it, to live it as an expression of your exclusive aptitude and vigor. Daily career tips are pushed to subscribers based on the week’s theme. They are sourced from established career counselors and foremost career websites. Routinely career tips will help the user's mainly young fresh graduates; to define their vocation paths and pursue them through suitable occupation planning. Career counseling is helpful for learners to notify them about the career options offered. People interested in job/career switching can also benefit from counseling. Career guidelines can also help users who are having difficulties in the mid of their career and will give an improved view about the outlook of career path; making it easy for the job seekers to find a particular job.

Career Portal is with you at every step of the way. We are dedicated to helping you get the advice you need for future skills, careers, and work. We can help you develop your career to help you move on in your career, or get you on the job ladder. 

Career Portal is aiming to be the number one CV template providers in Pakistan. We have pre made C.V templates for beginners and knowledgeable job seekers. These templates will provide you a model of what to include in your C.V and shows the proper format for a curriculum vitae.

Having an effective resume can greatly perk up your chances of landing to your dream job. When writing a C.V it's essential to include the correct information. Career portal will guide you through this.

Job interviewing by no means seems to get any easier - even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. You are selling yourself and your skills. It is essential to prepare yourself well for success in an interview. Here we will give you some tips to make preparation for a job interview. 

The best way to overcome the stress is to be prepared for the job interview. Career Portal gives you the interview questions and advices how you would answer them. You will also find some strategy suggestions with it.

Career Portal offers you a wide range of the latest happening around the country. Various workshops, seminars, latest training events & courses related to chosen option are provided.  Career Portal provides you with a big chance to learn.

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